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Win up to $3,000 to Pay Your Student Loans!

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 8/13/2020

One lucky first-year teacher will win up to $3,000 to pay off their student loans!*
All 2019-20 student teacher members who renew as first-time professional members by October 31, 2020, will be entered into the drawing, so be sure to tell the first-year teachers you know about this amazing opportunity and help them join the ATPE community! Good luck to all eligible members! 
Also, don’t think we forgot about our more experienced members. You have a chance to earn some money, too, with our recruitment incentive program! Any member who brings aboard a new eligible member can receive $10 per member. It's called One New = $10 for You. Ask your friends and co-workers to join the state’s largest community of educators today!
*Winner must be an active member of ATPE, and membership must be paid in full prior to the distribution of funds.