Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators
/ATPE/media/News-Magazine/21_news_Spring_Special-Section_COVID-Infographic.jpg?ext=.jpg /ATPE/media/News-Magazine/21_news_Spring_Special-Section_COVID-Infographic.jpg?ext=.jpg

The Numbers Behind an Impossible Situation

Educators find themselves in an impossible situation as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to ravage the state of Texas. Most educators have voiced increasing dissatisfaction with the state and district leadership’s handling of the crisis. In November 2020, ATPE released a 14-page analysis of three educator-focused surveys designed to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Texas public education. The report breaks down the results of three complementary surveys of both member and nonmember educators conducted by ATPE between May–October 2020. What follows is a snapshot of the most striking responses.

Author: ATPE Staff