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November 2019 Election Results Are In

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 11/06/2019

The results from the constitutional election, which took place November 5, are in! Voters approved nine of 10 proposed constitutional amendments. Also, three special elections to fill unexpired terms in the Texas House of Representatives will head to runoffs.

House District (HD) 28 will head to a runoff between Democrat Eliz Markowitz and Republican Gary Gates. Texas Parent PAC has endorsed Markowitz. HD 148’s runoff will be between Democrat Anna Eastman and Republican Luis La Rotta, and HD 100 will be a runoff between Democrat Lorraine Birabil and Democrat James Armstrong.

As for the propositions, voters rejected Proposition 1 and approved the other nine, including Proposition 4 and Proposition 7. Proposition 4 garnered a lot of attention as it added additional hurdles to implementing a state income tax beyond existing constitutional prohibitions, and Proposition 7 increased distributions to the Available School Fund (ASF).

For a full recap, please visit TeachtheVote.org

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