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Want to Help Change Public Education Headlines? Start by Donating to ATPE-PAC

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 3/15/2017

For supporters of Texas public schools, reading the news can be overwhelming. State legislators continue to push for vouchers and to restrict educator rights. School funding and educators’ healthcare and TRS benefits are constantly under attack.

That’s why the ATPE Political Action Committee (ATPE-PAC) supports pro-public education legislators. Ensuring that Texas has legislators who support public education helps ATPE fight for quality educational standards and protect your professional interests.

Our members’ voluntary donations to ATPE-PAC are used to make bipartisan contributions to officeholders/candidates who have demonstrated support for public education and ATPE philosophies. A donation to ATPE-PAC is an investment in Texas public schools and their students.

Want to change public education headlines? Start by donating to ATPE-PAC.

NOW is a critical time to donate. Our annual PAC’s Peak Challenge goal is to raise $25 000 by May 1. The election season will soon be here, and to fight our best for you at the Capitol, we will need a healthy fund. Start by donating to ATPE-PAC.


ATPE-PAC solicits contributions only from ATPE members, employees, and their families. Participation in ATPE-PAC is voluntary. Members can contribute any amount or nothing at all without affecting their ATPE membership status, rights, or benefits.