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Charter Standards

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 3/07/2016

The Association of Texas Professional Educators is the largest educator association in Texas and the leading voice for Texas public educators and public schools. With that standing comes the responsibility to protect what the leaders and members have built over more than three decades of leadership in education.

In 2014, ATPE’s governing body, the House of Delegates, directed the ATPE Board of Directors to create and implement new charter standards to help the association maintain its high level of professionalism and financial transparency. There are three documents that now guide how local units and regions conduct ATPE business.

Charter Agreement

  • Sets out expectations for local unit and state office responsibilities
  • Explains requirements for using ATPE name and logo
  • Sets guidelines for establishing new local units

Operational Standards

  • Addresses required local unit bylaws
  • Outlines best practices for electing officers, hosting meetings, and processing membership dues
  • Sets out requirements for attendance at the annual ATPE Summit

Financial Standards

  • Lays out requirements for bank accounts and check signing
  • Details IRS reporting requirements and annual reports
  • Sets out best practices for budgets, bank account reconciliation reports, and treasurer’s reports
  • Guarantees access to annual financial report for all ATPE members

Local units and regions are expected to follow the standards set out in these charter documents to ensure these ATPE resources support the organization’s mission, vision, and tenets while providing the high level of service, advocacy, and transparency that ATPE members have come to expect.

Together we can continue to be the leading voice of public education in Texas.