At The Capitol

Legislative Program
ATPE’s member-written-and-approved positions on education issues
Read the ATPE Legislative Program.
What is the ATPE Legislative Program?
The ATPE Legislative Program defines our legislative priorities and advocacy efforts. It is a member-written-and-approved compilation of statements that represents ATPE’s official positions on issues governed or influenced by the state Legislature, state boards and agencies, and the federal government. The document covers issues including educator rights and employment benefits, curriculum, testing, educator certification, safe schools, school finance, and much more.
Who develops the legislative program?
Every ATPE member is encouraged to participate in the development of our legislative program. Each year, the elected ATPE state president and Board of Directors appoint 20 members to serve staggered, two-year terms on the Legislative Committee, which meets annually (typically in April).
The committee reviews the previous year’s legislative program, discussing the importance and continued relevance of each position, and considers member input gathered by the ATPE Governmental Relations staff. The committee then makes recommendations on positions to be considered by the ATPE House of Delegates (HOD). When the HOD meets at the annual ATPE Summit, member-delegates vote on committee recommendations to amend, readopt, or allow positions to expire. ATPE members can also submit proposed positions or amendments for consideration during the HOD meeting.
How can I shape the program?
If you disagree with a position in the legislative program or would like to add a new position, it is your privilege and responsibility as an ATPE member to submit your input. Email your comments and rationale to, or mail them to the attention of the ATPE Legislative Committee, 305 E. Huntland Dr., Ste. 300, Austin, TX 78752.
What role does the ATPE Legislative Program play in the political process?
ATPE Governmental Relations works year-round to make legislative program priorities the shared priorities of Texas legislators and policymakers.
- Before each legislative session, ATPE Governmental Relations formulates legislative priorities based on the program and resolutions adopted by the HOD. When determining whether to support, oppose, or remain neutral on bills during the session, the program provides the answers.
- Similarly, the legislative program guides ATPE Governmental Relations staff members in their work with various state boards and agencies governing public education.
- During an election year, ATPE conducts a candidate survey featuring questions derived from the legislative program. Candidate responses are posted on along with background information on high-priority issues addressed by the legislative program.
Questions? Send us a message or call the ATPE state office at (800) 777-2873.
This is legislative advertising contracted for by Dr. Shannon J. Holmes, Executive Director, Association of Texas Professional Educators, 305 E. Huntland Dr., Suite 300, Austin, TX 78752-3792, representing ATPE.