Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

In This Issue

Get ready for the holidays with our Winter 2021 issue of ATPE News.

In this issue, you will:

Learn how Judson ATPE member Bonnie Anderson has parlayed her long-time love of music into innovative ways to teach students, both in the classroom and through a music education nonprofit.

Take a sneak peek inside education philanthropist Charles Butt’s latest enterprise, the Holdsworth Center, a $200 million training facility that brings CEO-style leadership development to Texas public educators.

Find out how two new laws passed by the 87th Legislature, HB 3979 & SB 3, will affect how you teach civics, history, and current events in your classroom.


Meet Roya Dinbali, a high school forensics teacher, Nacogdoches ATPE president and campus rep, a Region 7 ATPE officer, and our latest volunteer spotlight.

In Your Voice, hear how your votes affect public education and your profession and why public education should be your top priority at the ballot box.

Finally, in Your Ally, we answer your questions regarding your protected planning time. What does the law actually say about it?

As always, you will also learn how your association continues to support efforts to elevate public education in Texas.

ATPE Marketing & Communications publishes the ATPE News magazine four times a year and is always looking for member-written content, thoughts, and ideas! Whether you instituted something innovative in your district or want to speak on the importance of a topic dear to your heart, we would love to hear from you. Visit to view our submission guidelines.


Read the complete digital issue of ATPE News Winter 2021 on Issuu.

Author: ATPE Staff