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October Is Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 10/05/2022

October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month, and for many educators, the importance of safe and secure online usage is more relevant than ever. Cybersecurity incidents are on the rise in schools across the nation, and they can not only disrupt education and daily operations, they can also leave students’ and faculty’s personal information vulnerable to exploitation.

Teaching students the importance of online safety is crucial to the students’ development and well-being—and it’s important for adults, too! Today’s centralized focus on technology poses amazing advancements for the world of education but also may create potential dangers. Here are some tips and resources for both educators and students alike:

As the world of technology changes, it is important to stay vigilant for misinformation, cyberattacks, or phishing scams on the web. Take time this National Cybersecurity Awareness Month to better understand how to protect yourself and others online!