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There’s Still Time for Your Colleagues to Join ATPE

Association of Texas Professional Educators
Association of Texas Professional Educators

Date Posted: 1/25/2021

Did you know you still have time to talk to your colleagues about joining ATPE? It’s true! 

During a time of great uncertainty, make sure your colleagues know ATPE is ready to stand by their side for the 2020-21 school year. ATPE will only be accepting new applications in the professional, associate, and administrator categories until January 31, 2021. Once February 1 hits, educators won’t be able to join in these categories until membership opens for the 2021-22 school year. 

Our members are our best advertising. So, let your co-workers know about the amazing benefits ATPE provides. Are there any new hires or first-year teachers? Share your positive experiences with ATPE and let them know they can still join the state’s largest association of educators. You can point them to the website to join online. Every educator deserves the support ATPE offers, so let’s spread the word!  

Student teacher, college student, retired, and public membership categories remain open until March 31, 2021.